Thursday, December 1, 2016

When Heaven Kissed Earth

"Mary?"  Joseph pulled back the reigns bringing the donkey I rode to a slow halt.   "Are you alright?"

My drooping head lifted at the sound of his voice.  "Hmm?"

We had been traveling for days.  Nearly three to be exact.  Our destination was Bethlehem from Galilee as my husband had to register in the town of his bloodline.  I tried to hide how uncomfortable it was for me.  The worry painted on his face even now broke my heart.

"Here."  He stretched both arms to me.  "Let me help you."

"No, we should keep going."  I exhaled deeply.

His brown pools plead until I could no longer deny him.  I braced myself on both of his shoulders as he gently lowered me to the ground.  Joseph sat close, offering me water and bread.

"We are almost there."  He placed a hand on my enlarged belly.  "I promise."

I covered his hand with my own.  "I'm well Joseph.  Exhausted.  But well."

My smile brought a momentary reprieve as I watched the tense muscles in Joseph's cheeks relax upon seeing it.  His lips remained sealed but the edges of them curled giving me comfort that for the moment he felt at ease.

"Please, rest on me."  He took me underneath his arm.  "We will leave after you get some sleep."

And with my hear snuggled against his chest, my body was lulled away by the rhythmic music of his heart and soft breaths.

It felt as though seconds had passed when my eyes opened again.  However with the glowing sphere setting and gray hues forming above us I knew hours had passed.  Joseph too had dozed off but was startled by my movement.

"Will we have to remain here for the night?"  I asked.

"No, we are very close.  If we go now I can assure you we won't be sleeping under the stars again tonight."  He stood, offering his hand to me.

Joseph led the way as my body shifted with each movement the donkey made.  We pressed on, drained from the journey, yet determined to see it through.  From time to time, my eye would catch him glancing behind as though to make sure I was alright.  The weight of our situation rested heavily on both of us.  Our little One was coming.  And soon.

My heart lightened the further we went.  Perhaps it was only my imagination but I believed I could almost see the little town from our current position.  Please let it be Bethlehem. 

We had arrived.  Just as he said.  I watched as people shuffled along through the crowded streets, talking and murmuring of their recent travels.  It became evident we were not alone in seeking a place to sleep.  I could only pray there would be room for three more. 

Joseph secured the donkey and led me to the door of his relatives' home.  Distant relatives, but family nonetheless. 

"Joseph?"  A man of equally tall stature opened the door and embraced him.  "And, your wife?"

"Yes."  He took my hand.  "Mary, my wife."

The man lowered his head to me and with a charming grin spoke, "Welcome home."

My body ached to the bone.  All over really.  I assumed it was the long trip and couldn't wait to be let inside to give my muscles the rest they so desperately craved.  Normally I would have engaged myself in friendly conversation with our family member.  However, even the thought of talking exhausted me. 

"We've been traveling for days."  Joseph began.  "My wife and I would be most grateful if we could sleep here tonight."

The man's mouth slowly drew downward as he stepped out of the doorway closer to us.  His voice dropped to a whisper as though not wanting to embarrass or disappoint the travelers now in his midst.  "Oh, Joseph, truly if I had a room to spare it would be yours."

I was afraid of this.  With all the recent travel it was evident that space was limited not only here but everywhere.  We stood awkwardly without a words until my shocked gasp broke the silence.  I covered my mouth as warm fluid puddled at my feet. 

"Please!"  Joseph grabbed the man by his cloak.  "Our baby is coming!"

To my sudden surprise a woman peered out of the open doorway, eyes full of curiosity.  She scanned me from head to toe and without hesitating took my hands, leading me inside.

"It isn't much, but you are welcome to it, dear."  She said in a soft but rushed voice. 

As in most homes, the lower level of this one served many purposes, one primarily being a shelter for the animals at night.  I realized quickly what she was offering and in our great time of urgency, never had I been more obliged.

My eyes followed the woman's swift actions of tidying and straightening the room for our occupancy. With both arms, she scooped a fresh heap of hay into a nearby feeding trough, repeating this action until filled completely.  It became apparent what she was doing for me...for us.  I couldn't hold back the tears, watching her smooth the prickly straw as flat as she could and until finally covering it with a blanket.   My baby's bed.  I thought.

"There's no need to worry, dear."  She brushed my moist cheek.  "No need to worry."

The woman hurried away before quickly returning with blankets, clean cloth, and refreshment.  She carefully placed them into Joseph's arms and gave a final glance around the room, mentally checking to see if we had all that would be needed.

"I cannot thank you enough."  My voice had to compete with the cry of a nearby goat.

"Rest now."  Her fingers left their warmth on my arm as she looked to Joseph.  "Both of you." 

We stared until her figure was no more, leaving Joseph and I together. 


"Oh!"  The muscles tightened, bringing me to my knees.

I had witnessed childbirth firsthand.  Too many times to count.  One would think such knowledge prepared me for this experience.   It didn't.   Nothing prepared me for all I endured.  The pain.  The fear.  And ultimately the greatest blessing ever bestowed upon me. 

Joseph spread one of the blankets over a mound of hay and helped me lie down.  He enclosed my hand with both of his and watched helplessly as I endured the first of many contractions.  I could feel a slight tremble in his fingers, telling me he too felt nervous of what was to come.  Not only the birth, but becoming parents to the Savior of the world. 

"Mary, I-"  Joseph brushed loose strands out of my eyes.  "I'm here." 

I didn't realize I had been holding my breath for so long until he spoke.  Air soared out as relief began to settle in.

It was really happening.   Jesus was coming.  Tonight.   

The night grew darker and I tossed and turned in vain attempts to relieve my suffering.  With every pain more intense than the one before, I questioned my ability to go on.  How had my mother done this?  Or any woman?  Beads of sweat formed around my mouth and forehead as the agony of labor progressed.  How long would this last?  From the pit of my gut, I cried out, frightening the animals gathered together under the same roof. 

Footsteps suddenly shuffled overhead soon revealing the presence of the kind soul who had given us shelter only hours before.  She stooped at my bent knees as I screamed louder.  Her voice seemed so far away, trying to encourage me to continue, yet I could not focus on anything but the misery.  My head fell back and I covered my face in defeat, wondering why God would have chosen a weak woman as myself to carry out such a mission.  I wept.

It was then that the love of my life placed a hand on my shoulder, leaned down and whispered ever so carefully into my ear.  "He will change the world, my love."

My mind fell upon the ancient words of the holy One I carried.  Prophetic truths that held pieces of my Son's future and what he would ultimately endure for the sake of creation.  Suddenly, my pain didn't seem to matter anymore.  If Jesus could bear the sins of the world, surely, I could bear this.

I sat up, staring into the two sets of eyes looking back at me, no longer ashamed but more determined than ever to carry out my mission.  I felt Joseph's arm wrap around my quivering, weak frame.  It was now or never.

"You're almost there, dear."  The woman said.

I bit my lip and strained against the deepening wave of pressure until my lungs gasped for air. 



And again.

And with one final push He was here. My Jesus was born.


I awoke to countless tingling prickles traveling over my numb hand that had cradled my sleeping head only moments before.  Everything appeared hazy as my eyes blinked repeatedly into focus.  Was it all a dream?  I peered over the empty manger beside of me.  The sleeping child I laid there was gone.  Where was He?  Maternal panic seemed to have stopped my heart until seeing Jesus snuggled tightly in Joseph's arms as he paced quietly around the room.  I watched in awe as my husband held the baby to his chest, only bringing him out long enough to stare into his delicate features before tucking Him away safely again.

Joseph caught my eye and stepped closer, still peering over the sleeping babe.  His lips quivered slightly as he cupped Jesus's head, just before kissing it.  I sat quietly as Joseph collected himself, feeling for certain his next question had broken my heart into a million pieces.  "Is it wrong?"  He began.  "That I do not wish to share Him just yet?"

Joseph came to my side and knelt as we both watched over Jesus silently. I too shared similar feelings, not being able to deny the overwhelming protectiveness that came upon me the instant He was born. Yet, deep down I knew. He wasn't mine to hold onto forever. The world needed Him more. 

Father, give me the courage for this journey.

"He is a wonder, isn't He?"  I said, running my thumb over the tiny fist. 

Joseph took my hand and brought it to his lips, now damp with tears.  His gleaming eyes stared into mine and without a word I felt what he felt.  Joy.  Fear.  Uncertainty.  We carried them all.   Together.

A light tap on the door suddenly diverted our attention from child we adored.  Joseph's head snapped toward the sound as he placed Jesus into my arms.  He rose and reluctantly approached the entrance before cracking it open, barely revealing himself.  Who had come?  I swaddled and placed the little bundle back into His bed before stepping toward the mysterious guests.


"They know." Joseph's eyes widened. "They wish to see Jesus."

I nodded.  The look on Joseph's face was anything but an agreement to such an idea.  But my heart was at peace, seeing each face full of hope and expectancy, telling me that only a divine encounter could have led the shepherds here.  I was immediately reminded of the bigger picture once again. Jesus was here not only for us, but all. 

"Mary."  Joseph whispered firmly.  "No." 

"They wish to meet their Savior."  I reminded Joseph.

The wrinkles around his eyes began to soften as my words sunk in deeper.  He stared at me one last time, confirming that my mind had not changed.  Joseph gulped and opened the door wide, allowing the visitors to approach their Lord without interference.

The shepherds walked in slowly and one by one knelt before Jesus, who was still sleeping soundly. On their knees they remained with only the sound of their gentle prayers filling the room.  Words of praise and thankfulness offered to God above. 

One shepherd in particular, well advanced in age, stretched a shaking hand forward until it touched the manger. His shoulders began to quicken up and down as he held his palm steady. With his head drooping, the man finally released the emotion that had consumed his heart so fully.  He had met his last. 

Oh, my little One.  You are going to change the world, aren't You?

The men rose to their feet, pausing to observe Jesus a moment longer before turning to leave.  "May God bless you."  They began to proclaim as they left.

The shepherd last to stand, tears still streaming down his white beard, took my hands into his cold trembling fingers.  "I never thought I would live to see such a miracle."  He looked up as though staring into the heavens.  "Thank You. Oh, how I thank You."

We stood, unable to move, as the final shepherd departed, his sobbing breaths still audible outside the door he shut.

"Mary, forgive me."  Joseph crossed his arms and lowered his head.  "It would have been tragic to have denied them." 

"Not all will wish to worship Him, Joseph."  He looked up at me.  "We must pray to know the difference."

Jesus began to rustle awake as we both went to Him.  He looked at us brightly, causing the smile on my face to widen even more.  How I loved this child.  Enough that I would give my own life to spare His.  But, you see, there was something different about my Son.  He was breath from Heaven.  To show us what the love of God looked like.

I cradled Jesus into my arms and prayed for the wisdom and strength to move forward with God's plan.  A heaviness settled into my spirit anticipating what was to come.  Looking at my little miracle, I pondered all I felt and kept it secure inside, knowing God heard me. 

He was here. 

In Spirit. 

And now in the flesh. 

This truth gave me all I needed to be the mother of Jesus, Christ the Lord.


  1. I love the telling of this story. Great Job. I can't for more

  2. Thank you so very much! I am so appreciative of your time in reading my stories! May God continue to use and inspire your gift of writing as well! Merry Christmas!

  3. This makes me feel as if I were there.

    1. Thank you Walter!! That is the best compliment a writer could ever receive. God bless you! Thank you for reading!! (Sorry so late in replying! I just realized you left a comment!)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
