Monday, August 1, 2016

Giver of Life

     He told me that he loved me.  Yet he fled, not once looking back to see if I was alright.  How could I have let this happen? The ultimate penalty of our sin now fell upon my shoulders.  Never had I pictured my life ending this way.

      Alone I stood among an angry mob that thirsted for my blood. My arm throbbed at the ruthless grip of my accuser. Faces full of disgust surrounded me.  I wanted to disappear, yet I knew my fate was in their hands. Literally. Was there even one shred of mercy among them?

     My eyes followed a small stone that had been tossed casually into the air.  Time seemed to stand still in that moment as though the rock would never come down.  I stared at this tiny symbol of judgment and blinked hard as it fell into the palm of the man who now smirked in my direction.  He couldn’t wait to throw one at me next time.

       I deserved to be here. There was no question about that. It was another woman's husband I had taken as my own.  He was not mine yet somehow I believed that one day he could be.  How naive.  How could I have believed such lies?  It was my life that now hung in the balance.  Death was almost an absolute certainty.

    A mysterious man sat among the group of angry souls who wished nothing more to see me suffer.  Teacher, they called Him.  Did he think the same as everyone else?  

     “This woman, Teacher, was found with a married man!”  He released my arm with such force that I fell forward. “The law of Moses tell us that such women should be stoned.” He made me look him in the eye with a harsh pull of my hair, bending my neck backward. One side of his mouth curved, giving me every indication that my demise would only bring delight.

    “What do you think we should do with her?”  I took a deep breath and held it as painful sensations traveled over my scalp.

     “Teacher?” His grip tightened at my roots as he forced me to stand.

     Without a word the man lowered himself and began to swirl his finger on the ground. Breath left me as my hair was suddenly released.  Heads began turning curiously as he continued to write, as though he did not hear the countless cries around Him.  

    “I said, what do you say, Teacher?” My accuser shouted, projecting his voice above the others.

    Jesus.  Someone called Him by name.  This was Jesus.  He stood from his position and locked eyes with me, ignoring those who continued to demand an answer.

    There was power in His silence.  He walked closer to me not once looking away.  My fear surrendered to His presence.  Something I will never forget.

    “Let anyone who has never sinned be the first to throw a stone at her.”  He stooped down once more and traced the dirt below.

     The crowd exchanged looks of shock and shame.  Their power was gone.  Soon only the sounds that could be heard were shuffled feet and the thud of rocks falling from eager hands.

    Tears stained my swollen cheeks.  As much as I tried, I couldn’t keep my body from trembling.  Only Jesus remained.  The sinless Messiah who had every right to stone me did not.  He gave me grace instead.

    Jesus slowly stood from the ground and looked into my terrified face.  “Where are they now?”  A gentle smile formed on his lips.  “Who remains to condemn you?”

    My head turned from left to right. “No one, Lord.”  

    “Neither do I.”  He brought a hand to his chest.  “Leave this life of sin.  You’re worth so much more.”   

    At His feet I bowed in complete admiration to have been given a second chance at life.  Never again would I abuse it.  I was worth something to Him.  And that, more than condemnation, empowered me to go and sin no more.


  1. I love this.... You have a real gift. Have you ever checked out There a number of like minded folks sharing their ideas and written work. God Bless!

  2. Sorry to have just come across your comment! I have checked out! Thank you for sharing that!
