Friday, June 24, 2016


           “What do you mean you want us to go back?  We can’t leave you now!”

My cheeks began to flush as I stared into my mother-in-law’s firm eyes. Was she serious?  We were to return home after everything we had endured together?  No.  I couldn’t turn my back on her.  Too much had happened.  We were all each other had.  

Friday, June 10, 2016

The One

         His words were spreading like wildfire across the city.  Nothing could stop the crowds from gathering around Him, absorbing every word like a sponge.  It was as though heaven was pouring dew to the earth and we were all standing with arms held high, ready for it to wash over us.  Could it be true what everyone was talking about?   I had to hear for myself.

          Dust covered my feet with every step toward Him.  My heart lightened at the possibility that He could be the One.  The One who could change everything.

Saturday, June 4, 2016


I knocked.  The stone covered hallway was eerily silent with only the exception of my short, anxious breaths.  Anticipation filled me with every second I stood waiting.  Silence.  Perhaps, there had been a mistake.  What if the king was expecting someone else?  Or worse, no one at all?  The thumping sound of my heart pounded loudly in my ears almost deafening me.  Something is not right.  I shouldn’t be here.
Suddenly, I could hear the escalating sound of footsteps approaching.  My stomach leaped as the closed door before me began to open very slowly.  Its creaking noise intensified my fear all the more as I stood motionless.

“Esther...of Susa.”


Kneeling at the well, I dabbed both eyes that dripped wet with each heave.  My stomach ached from the constant waves of sickness that came over me.  Inhale.  Exhale.  Surely this would pass soon.  Was it apparent to everyone?  I felt the need to constantly watch over my shoulder in fear that someone would tell.  A simple word of mouth to the elders and my life would be over as I knew it.  

    I stood from my position and instinctively placed a hand on the tiny bump that swelled under my clothing.  My feet began to walk in the direction of home until suddenly stopping upon seeing him.  Worry flooded my mind as I pondered the thought of what he just witnessed. How could I let the man I love believe I betrayed him this way?  He didn’t have to speak a word.  I knew what lied behind those dark eyes of his.  

“You’re ill.”  His arms crossed tightly to his chest.  “Again.”

“Joseph…”  My eyes plead with his.