His words were spreading like wildfire across the city. Nothing could stop the crowds from gathering around Him, absorbing every word like a sponge. It was as though heaven was pouring dew to the earth and we were all standing with arms held high, ready for it to wash over us. Could it be true what everyone was talking about? I had to hear for myself.
Dust covered my feet with every step toward Him. My heart lightened at the possibility that He could be the One. The One who could change everything.
A tiny hand squeezed mine causing me to look below. His eyes mirrored my own, yet he had the smile of a man he would never grow up to know. His father had held him once, just before slipping into eternity. He sadly would never remember that precious moment. Oh, my love, how I miss you.
“How m-m-much longer, M-M-Mama?” He squinted up at me, cupping his brow to shield the sunlight.
I couldn’t help but smile at the dirt smudges along his cheeks. I kneeled to him, licked my thumb, and wiped his face to my satisfaction. His wrinkled nose said it all.
“We are almost there, I promise.” I said, kissing his newly cleaned face.
I could see His figure into the distance surrounded by a sea of yearning faces. We continued to move closer and closer until we became a part of the large mass around him. The loud murmuring suddenly gave way to a voice that was as calm as still water. Stepping together, we wove gently through in hopes of getting closer...to Jesus.
I suddenly felt the tiny palm tucked so safely inside of mine release with one quick jerk. I quickly looked down to find an empty space where my son should have been. I barely caught the glimpse of his brown, curly locks bouncing in the wind as his feet took him farther and farther away from me.
“Come back!” My arm involuntarily reached out as though it could reach him.
He continued to make his way forward as I chased. Heads turned as my body brushed past them. I moved faster, desperately trying to not take both eyes off my child. My head started to spin as the figures became blurry. There were so many people.
I could feel the thumping of my heart inside my chest as I prayed to myself that the end of this maze would be approaching soon. The little head of waves was no longer visible. A cry was working it’s way up my throat. I clutched the base of my neck as if to calm my impending panic.
Without wasting another moment, I moved to the outskirts of the large drove in hopes I could see him from afar. Taking a deep breath, I scanned from left to right, hardly allowing my eyes to focus before looking in another direction. Where was he? Nearly out of breath, I faced forward, fighting the urge to scream among the quiet group. There he was. My curly mop standing no more than ten feet away from him. From Jesus.
A sigh of relief left me as I bent over, placing both hands on my knees. I quickly made my way closer. He wasn’t getting out of my sight this time. He was in so much trouble.
To my surprise there were dozens of children scattered close by. I recognized one of them as, Adiel, my son’s closest friend. Perhaps he saw him and took off in a hurry.
I was nearly to my little boy when a man of tall stature stepped in front of him. He started to wave his hand, urging my son to go. I could feel my cheeks fill with blood as I rushed around the last few people around me. My feet felt like large stones. I wanted them to go faster, but it was as though they couldn’t.
My son turned around upon feeling my hand on his shoulder. His scared expression relaxed as we turned away from the one urging the children to flee. Perhaps we should not have come.
“Wait!” A voice broke through the chaos.
The One I had been so hopeful to hear speak, was speaking to us. He began to walk closer in our direction. The heads of his followers looked dumbfounded at one another. We stood still, speechless.
Jesus knelt to my little boy. "Come, Ari, don't be afraid."
Little eyes shot up at me. I was just as floored as he was. How did he know his name? My gaze met his own. He smiled, his pearly whites shining through a dark beard. Jesus reached out his hand and without a second thought, Ari was squeezing it as though it were mine.
He sat and lifted Ari into his arms. He held him on his lap, as a father would hold his own son. I placed a hand to my heart in awe.
“Do not hinder any of these children from coming to Me.” Jesus looked at his disciples. “They are just as important to Me as any of you.”
No one spoke. Except Him. Even the children were fascinated by the Man who found them special, important, not in the way like so many others.
“There is no faith greater than that of a little child.” He looked down into my son’s curious eyes. “You must become like them to truly believe.”
Jesus embraced Ari with one arm and placed a hand on his head. Tears leaked down my cheeks at what He said next.
“Father, I bless little Ari today. As he grows, help him to always remember that he is deeply loved and treasured by You. He is worth far more than any of Your creations in the world. Bless his future for I know the special things you have planned for him.” Jesus looked up the heavens. “You would give it all for, Ari, Father. You would give everything.”
“Mama, he knew my name!” Ari exclaimed with no difficulty.
I stood bewildered. He had struggled to speak from a very early age, yet one moment in His presence and it was gone. Was I dreaming? No, this was real. He had healed my son. Any doubt that lingered inside of me vanished. Only faith remained now. I crouched to the ground and held my sweet little boy. My tear stained cheek smooshed against his.
He was the One. The One who would change the world.
He had already changed mine.
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